Version 2.0.2
Wednesday March 27th, 2013
- The names and icons within the application have been updated. The applications are now known as “Administrator†(instead of Enterprise Manager) “Manager†(unchanged), “Configuration†(instead of Customisation), “Reception†(instead of Spa+) and “Reservations†(instead of Call Centre)
- Premier Spa+ Enterprise now incorporates integration with OCIUS SENTINEL. If installed, a user may process card payments via OCIUS SENTINEL, directly through the Spa+ payment methods screen. (additional charges may apply to purchase the interface software)
- REZLYNX interface only: the following forms of payment redemptions will now post as negative sales, Vouchers / Prepayments / Future Payments / Courses / Reservations Redemptions and Reservation Additional Redemptions. This ensures that the Rezlynx system can correctly balance the sale and redemption of future payments.
- The “Fast-Track†application can now be run in “Mini Mode†– this mode is intended for smaller computer monitors at the access points. In this mode, the list of entries is displayed on the left side of the screen, while the member’s photo and any special conditions relating to their entry are displayed on the right. Please note that any “Fast-Track†application running in “Mini Mode†must be associated with an individual door, i.e. it cannot be used to control multiple access points simultaneously. “Mini Mode†is enabled via “File > Technical Setup > Use Mini Modeâ€.
- “Fast-Track†is now compatible with a “Standalone Serial Reader†to scan membership cards. Note, that this will simply read the card and display the usual membership details for that member in the “Fast-Track†application – it will not actually open any doors! To set an instance of “Fast-Track†to use this feature, set the “Gadget Type†through “Technical Setupâ€.
- It is now possible to specify certain membership types to be ignored when checking for reswipes through “Fast-Trackâ€. For instance, this feature might be enabled for a membership type associated with staff members to ensure they are not prevented from opening doors due to reswipes. To specify that a membership type should be ignored when checking for reswipes enable “Ignore Reswipe†in “Administrator†> “Initial Membership Setup†> “Membership Types†> “Site Detailsâ€.
- “View All Columns†(Web Booking) has been added into “User Profiles†> “Appointment Bookingâ€. Any user with this permission will be able to view all columns when accessing the “Appointment Booking†diary through an iPad. A user without the permission will only be able to view the staff column associated with that user.
- Integration with Javelin card printers is now supported, so it is now possible to print a membership card. This feature can be enabled for specific PCs via the “PC Locations†menu. Should you wish to utilise this functionality you will need to contact Premier Software to discuss the template for your membership cards.
- A feature has been added to allow gift vouchers to be numbered across the entire enterprise, rather than each site maintaining their own gift voucher numbers: Use “Global Voucher Numberingâ€. Due to the implications of enabling this feature, it will have to be enabled by Premier Software. Should you wish to discuss whether this feature is suitable for your enterprise, please contact Premier Software for more information.
- When anything is created in “Enterprise Managerâ€, the software automatically formats the “Description†and “Alternate Description†so that the first letter of each word is capitalised. It is now possible to disable this functionality specifically for items that could appear on a receipt. If “Enterprise Manager†> “General Menu†> “Main System Details†> “Enterprise Setup†> “Leave Receipt Description Fields as Entered†is enabled, then the software will preserve the format of the descriptions as they are entered by the user.
- The “Membership Arrivals†report now shows the number of member arrivals per day.
- The “Most popular Treatments†report has been renamed as the “Most Popular Appointments†report.
- The “Package Statistics†report has been renamed as the “Reservation Statistics†report; it now shows the details of any additional bookings associated with any client’s package. It also distinguishes between single-day and multi-day packages.
- The “Staff Overview†report now shows the number of bills allocated to each staff member, in addition to the number of clients that staff member dealt with.
- The “Staff Hours Analysisâ€, “Room Hours Analysis†and “Facility Hours Analysis†reports now include a combined total of past and projected hours analysis at the end of the report
- “Cancellations Analysis†report: to accompany the new “Cancellation Reason Codes†functionality, the “Cancellation Analysis†report can be used to see the quantity and type of any cancellations in the chosen date range, collected together by “Cancellation Reason Codeâ€.
- “Courses†/ “Future Payments†/ “Pre-Payment†and “Reservation Deposit†reports have been amended, when the reports are ran for a range of dates the “Sold†and “Redeemed†sections will refer to sales and redemptions made within the date range. The “Outstanding†section will detail the items outstanding as at the final date in the date-range.
- Any “Voided Vouchers†will now appear within the “Vouchers Void†Section and not be included within the vouchers redeemed section.
- The “Room Hours Analysis†and “Facility Hours Analysis†report may now be run for a selection of rooms / facilities
- The “Staff Hours Analysisâ€, “Room Hours Analysis†and “Facility Hours Analysis†reports now show a “Value†for appointments in the past.
- The “Staff Commissions†report can now be run in “Detail†mode: this shows the breakdown of all of the receipts on which a staff member earns commission.
- The “Scheduler Activity†report can now be run in “Summary†or “Detail†modes – the “Detail†is identical to the original report, showing the information about every booking scheduled by the user in the date-range selected. The “Summary†gives a simple breakdown of the quantity and value of bookings scheduled.
- “Reservations Made†report – this report displays the details of reservations that were created in a particular date-range. This differs from the “Reservations Booked†report in that the “Reservations Made†report shows the reservations created on a specific date, whereas the “Reservations Booked†report shows the reservations that have been booked for a specific date.
- “Marketing Printâ€: it is now possible to print out the list of clients who are returned by a “Marketing†search. The report details some of the clients’ contact details, e.g. mobile number, address, etc.
- It is now possible to take a “Future Payment†for a booking as the booking is made, this feature is enabled though “Administratorâ€>â€General Menuâ€>â€Sitesâ€>â€Site Settingsâ€>â€Booking Options>â€Prompt to Pay Now When Bookingâ€. When enabled, the users will see a prompt asking whether they want to take the payment as they make the booking.
- If a client cancels an appointment, reservation or membership, it is now possible to record a reason for the cancellation. The list of reasons can be created in “Enterprise Manager†> “General Menu†> “Cancellation Reason Codes†– each reason code created must be assigned a type to specify whether it is relevant to the cancellation of an appointment, reservation or membership. Once the reason codes have been created, the feature can be enabled through “Enterprise Manager†> “Main System Details†> “Enterprise Setup†> “Cancellation Referencesâ€. Then, whenever a cancellation occurs, the cancellation will automatically be generated a reference number, and the user can specify the reason for the cancellation (including adding any notes). The cancellation will then be recorded in that client’s “Contact Logâ€; if a reservation cancellation it will also be recorded in the reservation’s “Contact Logâ€.
- The “Enterprise Details†tab for “Standard Documents†now provides an option to “Use Enterprise Email Settings†(enabled by default). If this option is enabled and an email is sent from “Enterprise Managerâ€, the email will be sent using the “From Email†and “Display Name†specified in the enterprise email settings. If the setting is disabled, a specific “From Email†and “Display Name†can be set against the document. This allows users to give the impression that different documents come from different departments at the site. Please note that some email providers may not allow the sender’s details to be aliased in this manner: please check with your email supplier. This is similar to the “Use Site Email Settings†option that appears in the “Site Details†tab – “Use Site Email Settings†is used for emails sent through “Enterprise Managerâ€
- Within “Enterprise Manager†> “General Menu†> “Main System Details†the enterprise-level SMS and email settings have been moved out of the Enterprise Setup section into their own sections: “Text Message Setup†and “Email Setupâ€.
- It is no longer possible to set a “Start Date†or “End Date†in “Enterprise Manager†> “Group Activity Codes†> “Site Detailsâ€. Instead, any “Start Date†or “End Date†should be set against the timetable item itself in “Enterprise Manager†> “Group Activity Timetableâ€.
- The “Visits†/ “Members†tab of “Marketing†has been enhanced to provide greater flexibility. It is now possible to find clients based on their first or last visits, and also to specify the minimum or maximum number of visits in a date range. The greater flexibility can also be applied to identify members based on their “Membership Arrivalsâ€
- The software now supports integration with Bottomline Technologies Account Checker. This software validates bank sort codes when creating new banks in “Bank Setup†(via the “Auto Complete†button) and validates sort codes and account numbers when assigning bank details to a member through “Members Details†(via the “Validate†button). This feature can be enabled through “Enterprise Manager†> “General Menu†> “Sites†> “Site Settings†>â€Interface Options†> “Bank Account Validation†by choosing Bottomline as the “Bank Account Validation Typeâ€, then providing the file-paths to the gbscan.dat and gbbankinfo.dat files provided by Bottomline Technologies.
- It is now possible to automatically assign a “Reference†to a member, when they first become a member at a site. This feature can be found in Enterprise Manager>General Menu>Sites> Site Settings>Membership Options>Generate Reference Number on First Membership Update. Should you wish to enable this feature at a site please contact Premier Software so that the first reference number can be set.
- The “Membership Update†screen now displays how much “Till†membership payment was taken, and how much has been “Allocatedâ€
- Members now have a “Renewal†date in addition to their “Expiry†date. This is relevant to members who are on Generated payments and it indicates the date when their membership will renew. When their membership is renewed, the member will have any “Passes†and “Guest Passes†restored. For example, a member on generated payments may have a membership type that would normally expire after 12 months: this member’s renewal date will indicate 12 months from the point it started, so that after 12 months they receive their passes again.
- The “Members Payments†report has a new option to display any unpaid “Represented†direct debit payments. Note that the report will display all such represented payments, irrespective of their “Due Dateâ€.
- For an unconfirmed “Direct Debit†or “Standing Order†run, double-clicking any of the payments in the “Confirm / Review Payments†screen will toggle the status between “Paid†and “Unpaidâ€. Note that this only applies for payment lines that haven’t yet been confirmed.
- It is now possible to link members by an alternative method: “Bank Account Linkingâ€: under this system the Lead Member will pay for themselves and any linked members by Direct Debit, but the linked members will still maintain their own separate payment records and expiry date. This gives greater flexibility for control of the members’ payments and expiry dates, yet still allowing one member to pay for all of the members linked to them. If you wish to utilise this feature please contact Premier Software Support to enable it.
- When “Bank Account Linking†is enabled, the user will no longer be prompted to link a member when a “Membership Update†is performed. Instead, within the “Members Details†> Personal Details tab the “Link Details†section displays a “Link†button to identify who this member is linked to (i.e. who will be paying for this member). There is also an “Unlink†button to remove the link between members. Note that these buttons will not be present if “Standard Linking†is used.
- When “Bank Account Linking†is enabled, “Members Details†> “Personal Details†> “Link Details†now includes two new buttons – “Main Member†and “View Member†– to allow the user to quickly view the details for the main member or the selected linked member.
- “Direct Debit Processing†will now include any unpaid re-presented payments to ensure any unpaid payments are not missed by subsequent direct debit runs.
- It is now possible to update the monthly membership fee for all generated payers, through “Administrator†> “Generated Fee Updateâ€. When creating a new fee update, the user chooses the “Membership Type†and specifies the “New Monthly Feeâ€. Then, any members who were paying the old monthly fee will have their monthly fee changed to the “New Monthly Feeâ€.
- After a “Generated Fee Update†has been conducted, the user may select it from the list to review its details. From the “Generated Fee Update Review†screen, the user may conduct a “Mail Merge†(by post) to all of the affected members, notifying them of the change of price. To conduct the mail merge it will be necessary to create a “Generated Fee Update†document through the “Standard Documents†menu.
- It is now possible to bill members directly through the “Bill / Depart†screen, even if they have no actual bookings on that day. Searching for the member’s membership number (or reference number if “Search by Surname and Reference†is enabled in “Site Settings†> “Membership Optionsâ€) will allow the user to add items to that member’s departure bill, or process their departure. When their departure is processed, all of the items that were added to their departure bill will be displayed, so they can be billed at that point. This feature can be enabled via “Enterprise Manager†> “General Menu†> “Sites†> “Site Settings†> “Tilling Options†> “Allow Member†/ “Guest Departuresâ€.
- It is now possible to specify the location to save “BACS†and “AUDDIS†files if the runs are conducted from within “Enterprise Manager†– this distinguishes it from runs conducted through “Managerâ€, where each site has its own specific location to save the files. This is configured through “Enterprise Manager†> “General Menu†> “Main System Details†> “Membership Options†> “BACS†/ “AUDDIS File Locationâ€.
- It is now possible for your clients to make “Group Activity†bookings via the web. To configure this you will need to specify which group activities can be booked: this is done through “Administrator†> “Group Activity Codes†> “Site Details†> “Web Bookableâ€. If you wish to utilise web-booking for group activities, please contact Premier Software Web Support for assistance with setting this up
- When a user attempts to set a “Start Date†or “Leaving Date†for a staff member, if that date conflicts with any bookings that have already been made then the user will see a report detailing the bookings that will have to be moved. Similarly, setting an “Available From†date or “Available To†date for rooms and facilities will do the same.
- When a “Selection†is added to a package (in “Packages†> “Site Detailsâ€) the user now has the option to determine how long the selection’s options should be: this is controlled by setting the “Length†field. Setting a “Length†of 00:00 means that the default length for each option will be used.
- When a booking is made for a new client, the booking will be indicated by a red “Nâ€. Previously a new client was identified with a +.
- When a voucher is sold, the bill line will now show the number of the voucher which has been sold.
- The “Arrivals Print†will now display “Reservation Notesâ€, these will be shown below the details of the client on that reservation
- “Schedule Print†– it is now possible to specify if you wish this report to show Reservation Clients only, Non Reservation clients only or both Reservation and Non Reservation Clients together.
- If you utilise “Client Reference†numbers, it is now possible to search for clients using this method.
- It is now possible to view any records in a client’s loyalty point’s history where no change of loyalty has occurred: the Show 0 Values option will display the hidden zero-value loyalty records.
- If a client has used “Add to Departure†to add extra items to their final departure bill, it is now possible to transfer those extra items to another clients departing bill. When processing a departure bill, the new “Transfer Billing†button can be used to select another client and add their items to the current bill.
- When scheduling appointment into twin rooms it is now possible to state if you wish the appointments to start at the same time or finish at the same time, for example if you have two clients booked into the same room for different treatments, the first treatment is an hour long and the second is an hour and half, you can state if they start at the same time or finish at the same time: please note by default they will start at the same time.
- The “Appointment Review†tab for an appointment or activity now displays the booked client’s mobile telephone number.
- The bill will now show the loyalty points cost of the items on the bill, making it easier to determine whether a client can redeem their loyalty points.
- The “Print Account†button on the account tab of a client card will now print the outstanding account payments to the receipt printer; if a receipt printer is not associated with the PC then it will generate the A4 report as before.
- It is now possible to “Cancel†packages and additional bookings from a reservation: if “Cancel†is chosen then a reservation “Cancellation Reason Code†is required. “Delete†may still also be used to remove items from the reservation, but no cancellation reason will be recorded when “Delete†is used.