Version 2.6.0
Thursday September 28th, 2017
2.6.0 is a feature release that adds some new functionality to the software and addresses a number of issues within the Core by Premier Software and College by Premier Software applications.
New Features
New Payment Partner: MONEK
Core by Premier and College by Premier can now be configured to interface with the Monek global secure payment platform. With a valid Monek account, you will be able to process card transactions using either a chip and pin device (available directly from Monek) or via a virtual terminal. This can be configured on a per till basis.
Once Monek have provided you with the relevant details, it is a simple matter to set up your Core by Premier or College by Premier to allow Monek to handle transactions. There’s a new button within the EFT Settings screen:
that takes you to the Terminal Configuration screen:
Each Pin Entry Device you possess is added here. Multiple PCs can share a single device if required, but each device can only belong to a single till. The virtual terminal will allow you to process Customer Not Present bills, whilst a chip and pin device will allow you to read and process debit and credit cards.
On attempting to process a transaction, the software will confirm or decline the payment as appropriate. In the instance of a declined card, details of the reason for the payment decline will be displayed:
New PMS Interface: Clarity
Core by Premier Software now integrates with the Clarity PMS system – allowing you to charge bills to clients’ rooms in Clarity. It can also post transactions to Clarity, allowing full financial reporting in the PMS.
New Report: Clients Items On Account Aged Debt
The Clients Items On Account Aged Debt report has been added to the software, allowing you to monitor the amount of time a debt has been outstanding. The report breaks down outstanding debt into four time groups – 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 60-90 days and older than 90 days. This is presented by receipt, so a client with multiple outstanding debts will feature multiple time groups as appropriate (in the example below, Abbie O’Brien has debts both less than 30 and older than 90 days).
There are two versions of the report, detailed and summary.
The detailed shows each site, along with each client, their receipts and items outstanding. There is a total for each client, and a total for the time group:
The summary report shows each client, without receipt numbers or individual bill items:
On Account Direct Debit
In  Core by Premier and College by Premier, you are now able to collect debt via Direct Debit.
A Cut-Off Day of Month and Collection Day of Month can be set up from within Membership Options in Site Settings:
Members can be configured to allow collection by direct debut, set a separate bank account from their membership one and allow the sending of statements via email:
The On Account Transfers screen can then be used to generate list of outstanding bills on account for the relevant payment period. From here, if at least member displayed has a valid email address and has requested to receive account emails, you can send a statement by email (as pictured below).
Once items are marked as being paid via direct debit, they will appear within your Direct Debit runs, to be collected alongside your membership payments:
Once the appropriate Direct Debit has been run, and completed, the amount the client owes will be set to 0.00.
The following improvements have been made to the software in this release:
- The Reservation booking diary view no longer displays incorrect interval periods
- The Discounts Given Report no longer causes a “divide by zero” error, nor does it fail to include group activities in a reservation that were discounted at the till, not during booking
- When departing a reservation the payment splits could be different for the same product if the client uses multiple payment methods including cash with change
- Marketing no longer crashes when sending emails if the email contains multiple copies of the same image
- Marketing now correctly identifies inactive membership types and inactive staff
- The correct Membership is shown against members if their membership has lapsed
- The Membership Types screen no longer crashes if the age range is set to a non-numeric value
- The outstanding “items on account” value is no longer miscalculated on the Client Card
- Marketing date selection was not working as expected for certain dates – this has been corrected, including the use of birthdays
- The “Stock Type” selector in the stock transfer screen was misaligned and non-functional
- Reception no longer crashes if a client is departed and they had been the recipient of a discount (at booking time) that is inactive at billing time
- Facility appointments are no longer listed with no possible discounts when adding them to a reservation
- The active status of promotional prices is no longer incorrectly set if the keyboard is used to update the date
- The “clear client message on arrival” option now correctly works for members who are being arrived
- Scheduled jobs should now always run with the expected date used
- The screen and the report output for direct debit runs now both report the same figure, rather than the discrepancy that existed in the past
- Membership payments of more that six whole digits (i.e. greater than 999999.9999) no longer cause the application to crash
- Scheduled reports no longer only cover 30 days in a 31-day month
- The list of medical types on the client consultation are now sorted as per the expected order
- Discounts given to members who book a group activity that costs less than the discount value no longer send the business value into a negative amount
- Adding a stock item with a blank barcode will no longer prevent other barcodeless stock items from being added to the system
- The country selection in Site Settings no longer displays the wrong entry when a selection is required
- The end of day report no longer fails to show the staff member that sold additional stock items
- The staff selector in Marketing no longer displays an error message when trying to allocate items from left to right
- Future group activities cannot be arrived/departed ahead of the appointment date
- The Members Listing report no longer incorrectly lines up the column output when exported to Excel
- Repeat Booking now assigns the correct client visit record for each appointment being booked
- A cancelled reservation that had already received deposits against it will no longer show up again and misreport the payment state if a new reservation is booked on the same day for the same clients.
- Amending a receipt that contains a package that contains a selection of appointments, and changing the selected appointment no longer crashes the application
- Residents returning for another appointment on the same day as one they’ve already been departed for are no longer invisible to the departure screen